Duntercleuch Bridge
February 2023
WARNING ...... Due to recent extreme weather conditions with heavy rain, floods and wind, the bridge has become unsafe to cross. The damage caused by the inclement weather has rendered the bridge to be unstable and dangerous to use and therefore impassable. The bridge will be temporarily removed and possibly re-sited to an alternative position on Wanlock Water.
Any updates will be posted here.
--- REPAIRED ---
Due to a fantastic team, the bridge and groundwork have been repaired with the aid of heavy machinery.
The marvellous work which has been carried out has made the bridge safe and secure to cross again, see the photos below.

Previous repairs in conjunction with Dumfries & Galloway Council
This was a project with Dumfries and Galloway Council as part of our ongoing collaboration to inspect and aid the repair of local footpaths. D&G Council asked for our assistance to help in the repair of a vital bridge crossing on the Southern Upland Way. This bridge has been so dangerous that it could not be used for a large period of 2019. The bridge crossing at Duntercleuch has now been repaired without the need to relocate to a less desirable section of the trail, D&G Council and Wanlock Visions are very pleased with the final result, a more sturdy and safer crossing.
The Southern Upland Way is Britain's first official coast-to-coast long-distance walkway.
It extends 214 miles (344 km) from Portpatrick on the southwest coast of Scotland to Cockburnspath on the eastern seaboard.